Skyrim, also known as the Old Kingdom, Throat of the World, the Fatherland or Keizaal (Dragon Language: Keiz-Aal, "Rebellion-May"), is a vast region set in the northern part of Tamriel.

For the game, see The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. To obtain the two-handed Goldbrands, bring Goldbrand to Boethia's Shrine and. It features a two-handed Goldbrand, an even longer Goldbrand dai-katana, Eltonbrand, and a two-handed Ebony Blade. This is a version of harunpasa's Goldbrand and Ebony Blade mods which seeks to integrate the new items into the game world in a more immersive way. Anyhow I'd like to see More Katana's and Tanto's like in Morrowind, they had various Katana's and Dai Katana's in the various weapon types, they're there in the lore, why not have them, I get that they don't fit the Nordic theme. *Light Spoilers for the Novel's ahead* T'was Ka Boom'd. Quest content from the Goldbrand creation no longer occurs ingame.Goldbrand in concept is a cool weapon, a golden fire katana forged by dragons? Absolutely Badass, but I think its enchantment could definitely be a bit more …I hope, Goldbrand is right with Umbra in my Favorite TES weapon list, and well we know what happened to Umbra.

If you don't care to pick the lock, the Emperor's Display Case Key can be found on his dresser. This is in line with the story of The Elder Scrolls: Legends. Goldbrand can now be found in a master locked display case in the Emperor's office on the Katariah.